Carbide by Furball Zen
Project Log: Here
There's usually at least one racy water-cooling build in Mod of the Month and this time it's Furball Zen's turn to stand in the limelight. His Corsair Carbide 500R-based case mod is one of the best-looking new projects in our forum at the moment and is a masterclass of spray painting, water cooling and cable tidying.
Furball Zen's effort on the carbon fibre film and metal flake spray paint is superb and he's even adding details to the waterblocks. It's good to see an old DFI motherboard being put to good use too.
Furball Zen has also been doing some DFI yellow and orange cable braiding too with some ninja work going on especially with the hard disks where he's made some custom cables to fit the spacing of the disk cage. This is going to look great when it's done so make sure you keep tabs on the progress by visiting the project log.
over to the forum to cast one of your votes for it.
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